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Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010 - My Half Year impression

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step; the journey through a year begins with a day.

Time up! Time up! Time up! A lanky teacher bellowed across the colleges' largest hall signaling the end of another examination for the semester- actually my last paper for my second year in. Summer! Summer! Summer! The world rocked after 3weeks since school vacated as with the first batch of friends and colleagues engaging in attachments and internships, the second off to summer school and the last batch out of the country for holidays and some as local tourists. Goal! Goal! Goal! Participating nations cried as their respective nations made them proud at the football largest showpiece in South Africa whereas others switched allegiance to support others- isn't that fair enough? It is.

All these events made just one remark- the millennia's decade has passed its half year mark or better still the year 2010 is 6 months old, much better still it surpassed its 182.5 day mark. Casting our every growing minds back we realize it was a few weeks ago we said Happy New Year, Happy Val's Day, Happy Easter and more recently Happy Mother's and Happy Father's Day. Time and tide truly waits for no man. 2010 held so much essentially it still hold many prospects yet to appreciate by myself. It includes those ones I purposely placed in my new year's resolution and even those I failed to acknowledge in my resolution besides it make life part of the wonders of this earth.

For myself, I began 2010 in real earnestness and passion-if I may use it, for all facets of my life and personality- all that make me Elijah Hanson. My life consists of several orbs; orb of social repository, orb of faith and belief, orb of family and love working independently of one another in computation and unison in totality.


Ask, Ask, And Ask?

Social Welfare

If I was asked thousand and one times my social repository is made up my all activities, people that directly or implicitly release me to the world, including my most famed occupation-schooling and my relationship with friends. With relentless determination to make the best of every situation- I mean possibilities I knew no stopping! Let me begin with my friendly fire.

Friends? Can do without them and can do with them but the former is more advantageous. Still working on my theory of friends, nonetheless some my friends have been really good while others …, doing my possible to flush out fair weather friends- they are a threat, much powerful than a biological weapon.

School? Great place to be whiles you are still curious to 'know', learning progression has stabilized quite well over the course of the year and that a major plus I mean major plus. I was able to learn quite more stuff in hacking, web development and design on my own though I'm still a rookie. Social activities came off very well since I decided to be committed in all social interests.

On the minimalist standpoint I think I didn't know when and how to say no to friends and social life – friendly indecisions I guess. Total half year impression for the social life orb 7 on 10.


How my faith keeps me

Where do you pin your faith on? A question we all answer day in and day out as this world continues to look more unstable and literally 'impulsive (though nothing happens by chance). My unwavering faith in God gives me so much hope for a tomorrow. He's being a father I never had, a brother like my own self and a friend like no other. I have placed my faith in Him, and I believe He's not going to fail me yet. Through a looking glass-double perspective I haven't done so well (which of course I am not happy with) with my faith and a 5 on 10 is what I can possibly assign. Last words, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."KJV



Perfect 7

Considering the great impact of a family or our families on our individual lives, it gives us one assurance that there's a home to return to after a day's work. We ought to wonder about what will become of us if there was no family quote, unquote home? A family, a mystery on its own, a topic debate on and a whole culture on its own (this is actually my proposed theory for sociologist). I for one consider family to be a life sweetener. Kenny Rogers in the chorus of one his popular song-'If you want to find love' from the album 'Back Home Again' tells it all:

"If you wanna find gold

Go looking in the mountains
If you wanna find silver
Go digging in stones
If you wanna find heaven
Go reading in the Bible
If you wanna find love
Go looking at home."

I did my very best to visit my family very often and it was compounded by public holidays, at least if for nothing I got time off to relax myself and unwind my brains, true to maxims it's a sensation. A rating of 9.5 on 10 for this orb is no exaggerating 'cos I know I deserved it.


In Closing

In totality the first part of 2010 has been much more of a revelation rather than experience and I am enjoying and hope it continues. I am just hoping that my good becomes, better, and my better, best, and my best, Absolutes.


Signing Off…….

Let's continue to enjoy 2010 with an even greater purpose without limitations. Time to go comrades' it has been nice reading with you. My pleasure it is….

Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't Repeat Yourself, Repeat Others

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Phew!! What a week!!!

What a year- just two months and it seems like another year………………….

Every second holds a new story,every minute holds an account, every hour a narrative, a day a chronicle but what a week holds is my story…….

This week actually started on a very bright note, I had scored more than 50% of my mid-semester exams and I was quite happy. Most of my lectures did not hold and so had quite a relaxed schedule which is very unusual with the Computer Science Class.

When one door closes it in reality opens another, just bumped into my head, so what next then????

I’ve got just three things to say in this post,two successful views and the anticlimax the latter.

First I decided to take an inventory on the first two months of the year – which was quite helpful, successful and a revelation and the details which I would release in the next sequels of my blogs, which would also serve as my personal countdown to the first half of the year and to the World Cup as well.

Secondly, I decided to set up some goals for the remainder of the 1st half of the year, which are as follows

.> A total overhauling of behavior- obviously negative ones

.> A closer look at my love life and my social responsibilities

.> A newer approach at my perspectives and worldview

.> Accomplishing all the above mentioned goals.

Lastly, one which indefinitely suspends me from football is the acknowledgement that Chelsea FC has been knocked out from the 2010/2011 edition of the UEFA Champions League…It came as a “spam” to me hysterically speaking...


I never dreamt of that per se but it happened and that is football for you..Losers always live to fight another day- that I believe….


In conclusion, I would like to give you a specially carved quote of mine “ Giving your best means give it all out to make someone,something a worth” till a release my next post be safe and play safe…

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Independence Day Ghanaians- The Presidents's Speech.

Theme: Investing In The Youth For A Better Ghana

Your Excellency The Vice President,

Right Honourable Speaker Of Parliament

Her Lordship The Chief Justice

Government Functionaries

Members of the Diplomatic Corp

Traditional Leaders



Pupils & Students

Fellow Ghanaians,

On behalf of myself and the Government, I congratulate us as a nation on the occasion of our 53rd Independence Day celebration. 
I commend each and every one of you on the parade square this morning for adding a lot of colour to the celebration. 

I must admit that I have enjoyed the wonderful turnout, the gymnastics, the cultural display and the dexterity with which the youthful band has rolled out very wonderful tunes.

Also, I congratulate pupils, students and teachers all over the country who have worked hard to make the celebration a success.

Today is a day for you the youth, and you must be proud of what you have achieved as regards your invaluable contribution to celebrating such a momentous occasion on the nation’s calendar.

As a Government, it is our conviction that getting you actively involved in our Independence Day activities is very critical to ensuring that you appreciate the struggles and toil that have brought us this far and also to inculcate in you a sense of nationalism and belonging. 

You must be proud of your heritage and you must be proud to be Ghanaian.

53 years ago, our Founding Father, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah declared Ghana a free nation and it is a well catalogued fact that the struggle for independence was not an easy one. 

Many were those who shed their blood for our independence and we salute their memory for their selfless dedication to giving life to Ghana.

The journey has not been an easy one; we have gotten this far through our collective determination and we must not relent in our efforts to move forward in the right direction as we strive to build a Better Ghana.

Over the decades, scores of Ghanaians have worked, and continue to work in the best interest of Ghana. 

It is now time for us as leaders, and you as future leaders, to also to contribute our quota to nation building. 

The Better Ghana agenda is not limited to time and space that is why a critical pivot around which our governances programme is revolving, is, investing in you the youth in particular. 

We are committed to investing in the youth in order to build the critical mass that will not only sustain the development agenda, but more importantly, move it to higher heights.

The future of our beloved Ghana is in your hands and education is the key that will open the doors of the future.

The future belongs to you.

Be it in the area of; medicine, law, engineering, or entrepreneurship; education is the key that will unlock your potential and equip you with the capacity to take control of your destiny.

That is why it is important that you work hard and set educational goals for yourselves. 

Teachers have a responsibility to inspire you; parents have a responsibility of making sure you stay on track and support your education; Government has the responsibility to set high educational standards by supporting teachers to give off their best, as well as providing the right atmosphere for teaching and learning. 

At the end of the day, if you have the best teachers, have the most supportive parents, have a government that invests heavily in education, and you do not take advantage of the opportunities available to you, you will fail to benefit from the talents and potential God has given you.

Remember; there are no shortcuts in life. 

Hard work pays.

There will be hurdles you have to jump over; there will be challenges; there will be extremely tough times; but don’t be quitters. Winners are not quitters and quitters are not winners.

In life, the race is not necessarily for the swiftest, but for the sturdiest. 

Uphold virtue, morality and honesty and you will become great men and women of your time.

My pledge to you is that as a Government, we will not renege on our pledge to give depth, verve, and modern day meaning to our educational system which will create the opportunities for you to take advantage of.

Personally, as happened this year, I will continue to play host well behaved pupils and students to drum home the fact that discipline is a trait that must be placed on a high pedestal.

Once again I congratulate all those who have made it possible for us to have a successful Independence Day celebration. 

Together; young and old, and at all times, let our love for Mother Ghana override all other interests.

Let us continue to pledge on our honour to be faithful and loyal to Ghana our Motherland and also pledge to uphold and defend the good name of Ghana.

May God be our helper! 

Check out the pictures below

Friday, January 29, 2010

--------------------------------------Here We Are Again>>>>>>>>>>>>

I don't know about you but I did enjoy my holiday break. Spent some time traveling, some time with family, some time eating (well . . . probably more than some time), some time being a couch potato, and some time reflecting. I hope all of you recharged your batteries and are ready for a great New Year!

I don't remember when I heard the statement "the glass is half empty or half full" but it is one that I always remember. I think it came from my French teacher in the 11th grade. Young folks ask your peers about it! Anyway . . . I try to remember this throughout my day. We can get pulled to the "dark side" and look at the "half empty" glass but try to catch yourself and move to the "half full" side. It is a habit that can be fixed. We lead by example so I will leave my Positive comments at that . . .